'Pokémon Go' Legendary birds and other features to come in future updates

"Pokémon Go" promotional image.Pokemon official website

A lot of new developments are reportedly in motion for the highly popular augmented reality mobile video game "Pokémon Go." This is according to Niantic Labs CEO John Hanke, who recently teased about their plans for the game itself. Fans are of course excited to know more about their plans as it could include the introduction of legendary Pokémon such as the franchise's legendary birds Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos.

The CEO recently appeared in an interview on the latest episode of Recode Decode's podcast, where Hanke explained that they have a lot of things planned for the game and that they will be moving forward with these plans once things "simmer down."

He explained that they have been quite busy for the past couple of months and that moving forward, they should be able to put more focus on adding new features to the game. "It's been a busy two months, so we're now happy that we're kind of stabilized and able to start being a little more thoughtful about the next set of features that we want to build," Hanke mentioned.

It was also then revealed that their team is planning to hold several in-person live events that will be open to all "Pokémon Go" players. These types of events will be a "natural way to keep the game fresh."

The interviewers then asked him if these events would be a venue to introduce some rare Pokémon, like the legendary birds. Hanke did not directly respond to the question and just moved on to the next topic.

Apart from the live events and the possible addition of legendary Pokémon, there are several features that are highly expected to be added to the game itself. One such feature is the ability to trade Pokémon with friends, a feature that has been a standard on almost all video game titles in the franchise since 1996.