Here's what you should do when the justice system doesn't work out for you


Injustice happens in our lives now and then. It may come in different forms and avenues, but the one thing that's sure about it is that it's never pleasant. Everyone who experiences some forms of injustice or unfair treatment in their lives often cry out for justice.

Have you ever been treated unjustly? If you have, then take comfort in the fact and truth that you're not alone. Others have experienced it, too.

An unjust scenario

Have you ever been blamed for something you didn't do? Or perhaps been treated unfairly by others? If you have, consider this scenario and learn from it:

There's this man who's lived his life cleanly, with no wrongdoing against any other person. He's hardworking, patient, and is responsible enough to take care of his mother after his father died. He was a kind man, active in church and in sharing the gospel to others patiently.

He goes into full-time ministry and starts approaching people to tell them that they matter to God. He spends his days with them, reminds them of God's Words, and prays for them. He unceasingly is patient with their failures.

While spending time with these guys, he meets more people. Some of them broken, some of them rich and corrupt, some of them social rejects. He loves them all, and tells them that they are loved by God.

Then the injustice begins. He is ridiculed and labeled as a wicked man. He is criticised for drinking with drunkards and dining with prostitutes and corrupt men. He is abhorred for reminding people about God's Words. He is abandoned by those who spent time to eat with him and learn from him.

Despite all that, he never uttered a single condemning word against them. Instead, he forgave them and entrusted them to God who knows all things. He was given the worst punishment for crimes during his time, even when he was totally innocent.

I'm pretty sure you know this man. His name is Jesus.

The Jesus way

Friends, of all the people in the history of the world, no one has ever experienced the same level of injustice that Jesus faced. John 1:11 says, "He came to his own people, and even they rejected him." He came to show us God's unfailing love, yet we all rejected Him. And what did He do in return?

Did He send legions of angels to slay us? No. Did He call on fire from heaven to burn us? No. Instead, after doing all that He needed to do for our sakes, He forgave us and entrusted us to God. 1 Peter 2:23 tells us, "He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly."

Friends, I encourage you. Let us take the Jesus way. It's not easy, but if we entrust our case to God who judges fairly, we are sure to have a fair and just response.