Does your diet lack daily bread? Here's how to get more


Bread in the form of the food item and bread in the context of a spiritual resource share a number of similarities. The foodstuff is a staple, modest and accessible source of nourishment. And in spiritual terms, although far from modest, it's definitely a staple of a healthy spiritual lifestyle, and an accessible resource.

Christians can refer to daily bread as a representation of a number of essential sources of spiritual fuel, but it's most commonly used in reference to God's Word.

It's not unusual to become spiritually fatigued. Many of us may be able to recall moments when our faith became lacklustre or we felt exhausted after exerting a considerable amount of ourselves to serve or share God's Word. Events in the world and in our personal lives can tire our spirits, and the likelihood of this outcome is higher when our daily bread is viewed as more of a treat or traditional but unnecessary for our day-to-day living.

But we don't set aside bread for special occasions, and neither should we reserve God's Word for certain circumstances, be they good or bad.

Eating bread every day can get boring. But there's always something new to discover in God's Word, a verse which brings wisdom or a passage that provides peace.

If you're not getting enough daily bread, here are some tips on how you can get more.

Spice up your spiritual life

It's no use just saying that you find reading the Bible boring and not doing anything about it. There's more than one way to read it. In fact, it's important that we do more than just silently mull over God's message on our own. Have you tried praising God with worship songs closely inspired by his Word and then following that up by cross-referencing the phrases used? Maybe you'll find it more encouraging to listen to a brief audio discussion of a Bible verse or topic. Whatever way you find best whets your appetite for Scripture, use it. The versatility in which we can consume the Bible is to be embraced.

Add a touch of Instagram

If you're not sure where to start or how to make reading the Bible an everyday experience, social media can really help. If you have Instagram, start following accounts that post Bible quotes and Bible-inspired messages. The Christian Today Instagram account can be found here. This is a great tool for visual learners and will add a touch of spontaneity into your spiritual diet. You can let the posts guide you towards a specific piece of Scripture each day or pick out your own based on the theme of an individual image.

If you don't have Instagram, you can easily adapt this method to daily devotional emails, podcasts or Christian living websites.

Once you've read over the relevant piece of Scripture, why not share it on your own account, on your blog or on Facebook with a comment about what it means to you.

Get a Bible buddy

Do you have a friend who does a great job of getting their daily bread? Or one that barely gets it at all? Either way, reaching out to them can help you both maintain a regular intake of God's Word, undiluted and in its full glory.

You can decide on a book, chapter or theme to explore and read relevant verses in accordance to this each day. At some point during the day you can message or call your Bible buddy with your thoughts on what you've both read. Doing this can help add another level to your spiritual growth. Plus, you'll probably look forward to the discussions each day and be less likely to skip taking in this important source of nourishment.