Christians invited to 'join the party'

Christians should not only vote in the forthcoming general election but seek to influence the political system from the inside as party members, local councillors and even MPs, according to a campaign launched on Tuesday.

‘Join The Party’ has been launched by Christians in Politics, the politically neutral umbrella organisation jointly owned by the Christian Socialist Movement, the Conservative Christian Fellowship and the Liberal Democrat Christian Forum, encourages Christians to get beyond just shouting from the sidelines and become part of the political process.

The campaign supported by church groups, Christian leaders and MPs from all three mainstream political parties is launched with video clips the three main party leaders Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg and from the Archbishop of York John Sentamu available from the Christians in Politics website

In his video clip supporting the ‘Join The Party’ initiative the Archbishop of York John Sentamu encourages Christians "to vote, to engage, to converse, to discuss" and says "it matters a great deal if all of us who are able to exercise our democratic right are able to turn out".

He adds: "Christians have a duty to God, a duty to their nation, a duty to their neighbour and voting is one of those duties."

Andrew Selous MP Chair of Christians in Parliament, the official all-Party Christian body working throughout Westminster says: “I have always believed that Christians should be involved in party politics.

"Joining the Christian group within the Conservative party, the Conservative Christian Fellowship was vital in my journey to becoming an MP.

"The support and prayers of CCF members were so important and we really need more Christians involved in the all the parties and their respective Christian groups.”

Alun Michael MP, Chair of the Christian Socialist Movement said: “Many of us get involved in politics because we want to make a difference and to stand up for those who are less fortunate or weaker than ourselves. That’s what the politics of social justice is all about.

"However, there’s not just one road for the Christian to tread; many issues are far too complex for there to be one answer or one set of policies.

"I believe passionately in the values of the Labour Party and the Co-operative Party, however I would rather that Christians be involved in another party rather than not be involved at all."

Steve Webb MP, Vice-President of the Liberal Democrat Christian Forum said: “Decisions are made on our behalf every day by our elected representatives. As Christians, if we want to be involved in making these decisions, we need to get involved in politics.

"We are called to a great privilege and a great responsibility: to be salt and light in this harsh environment and to support one another in this duty.

"I would love to see more Christians engaging critically with the political process, and making a positive difference in our society.”

Christians in Politics exists to encourage Christians to play a full part as citizens and disciples by serving and leading in the mainstream political parties and their respective Christian groups. Christians in Politics encourages Christians to consider joining the Christian Socialist Movement, the Conservative Christian Fellowship or the Liberal Democrat Christian Forum.