Christian Aid Tells of Alleged Atrocities in Ethiopia-Somalia Conflict

Christian Aid has received unconfirmed reports of shocking atrocities being committed by Ethiopian soldiers occupying Somalia this week.

Northern Aid, a Christian Aid partner organisation based in Nairobi, has been monitoring the Kenya-Somalia border area, and Ethiopian soldiers have been accused of raping Somali women.

Northern Aid's director, Abdulahi Abdi, has said: "We talked to people across the border last night. We heard from Dobley [18km inside Somalia] that girls are being raped by invading forces, the Ethiopians. The traditional hatred between these communities is not hidden."

Ethiopian troops entered Somalia recently, replacing the government of the Union of Islamic Courts, which had taken control of much of central and southern Somalia during the past six months.

The internationally recognised Transitional Federal Government of Somalia invited Ethiopia's intervention. The Transitional Federal Government, which had been overthrown by the Union of Islamic Courts, is now in control in the capital - Mogadishu - and is being supported by Ethiopian troops, Christian Aid has reported.