Bullying: Why It Happens and How to Stop It


Everybody knows that bullying is a bad habit that must be stopped. However, many who are being bullied or are unsuspecting bullies themselves don't know how to stop it, and thus it just keeps happening.

Do you want to know how to stop bullying from happening?

Why Bullying Happens

Bullying is a means of manipulating someone to achieve desired results. To bully means to "use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants." It's a habit or trait characteristic of the devil himself, and thus isn't fitting for a Christian.

Bullying usually happens when a person wants to achieve something, be it material or whatever gain. A man can bully another to get more money. A kid can bully a classmate to show others that he's cool and brave.

Whatever the desired result is, if it is achieved through intimidation or threats, it is still bullying. This characteristic is not of God, and thus as Christians we have both the responsibility to stop it, and the power to do so in Christ.

How to Stop Bullying

The Bible gives us various scenarios of bullying.

We read of the Philistine giant Goliath threatening Israel with slavery if anyone among Israelite's ranks failed to defeat him in a duel; we read of the Pharisees and the Roman soldiers bullying Christ Jesus in the court and the scourging; and we also read of the Pharisees bullying the apostles into submission and abandoning the preaching of the gospel. From these three examples we'll see how we can stop bullying.

1. Don't Fear It. Instead, Confront It

Bullies love to make others feel like they're inferior and subject to them, but when they see that they are unable to bully you into submission, they won't continue.

Young David wasn't scared of Goliath (read 1 Samuel 17). He came to fight him by faith in the Lord God who rescued him from the bear and the lion while taking care of his father's sheep. In the same way, if we graciously and boldly address bullying, it will stop.

2. Don't Take Revenge, But Do What Is Right

When bullies see that their bullying has no effect on a person, they get frustrated. Jesus kept His mouth silent, knowing that after going through His suffering He will be glorified in resurrection – while making a public spectacle of the devil's defeat. (see Isaiah 53:7; Hebrews 12:2; Colossians 2:15)

In the same way, know that you are winning by not fighting back and instead forgiving your offender. Your gracious response will be a crown on your head.

3. Keep Doing What Is Right in God's Eyes

Peter and the other disciples were flogged and ordered to stop preaching in Jesus' name, but we all know that they didn't; they kept preaching the gospel wherever they went. (read Acts 4)

In the same way, don't let any bully distract you from doing what God wants you to do in your life. Keep preaching the gospel; keep loving people; keep excelling in whatever task God gave you. Your kindness to those who hurt you will "heap burning coals on their heads" and hopefully bring them to repentance before God.

Who knows: Those who bullied you might become your co-workers in spreading the gospel of Christ.