'Borderlands 3' release date news: Gearbox to work on title after 'Battleborn'

Scooter as seen in Tales from the BorderlandsTellTale Games, Gearbox Software

Gearbox is currently working on their new IP, "Battleborn," but that does not mean the company will be leaving behind their established franchises. According to a report from Eurogamer, Gearbox CEO and president Randy Pitchford explained during the recent PAX East panel that "Battleborn 3" will be their next main project.

"It's no secret, obviously there's going to be another Borderlands. We don't even know if we're going to call it that. We could call it 'Borderlands 4' for all we know," Pitchford explained. He also confirmed that "Battleborn" and its DLC may have teaser eggs for the next "Borderlands" game. "What if we put easter eggs for future stuff in the DLC?"

However, there are no confirmations that the game is indeed in development as it is likely Gearbox is still focusing all of its resources on "Battleborn" and future DLC packs. However, the report does cite that chief creative officer Mikey Neumann will be writing the story for the next "Borderlands" game. 

Neumann also stated that he already had a character in mind. According to Neumann, who is also known for voicing the character Scooter, he would like to add in a character named Scooper. This would be Scooter's son and may have a high-pitched voice due to Neumann having fun while editing his own voice work. 

However, this character is not yet part of the "Borderlands" canon and may not be included in the final product. This will depend on what direction the game is going for once development proper has officially begun.

Fans speculate that if "Battleborn" and its DLC are released all within this year then it is likely that development for "Borderlands 3" can begin by early 2017. If the game does not see any delays in development then the title may see a late 2017 or early 2018 launch for the PC, Xbox One and PS4.