Animated film Home teaches audiences how wonderful life can be without prejudice, says Jim Parsons

Jim Parson voices the purple alien Oh in Home.IMDb

The Big Bang Theory star Jim Parsons is lending his voice to the new film Home, by DreamWorks Animations', about an alien called Oh who forms an unlikely friendship with an earthling girl named Tip.

According to the actor, there are a lot of important lessons audiences can learn from Home's characters and their story.

"There's something really beautiful that happens, where Oh and Tip come at each other with a bunch of preconceived notions and judgments about what the other person will be like, and those break down through the film, and I do feel by the end of it you see how wonderful things can be without those judgments and decisions made before a conversation has even taken place," he told Digital Spy.

Parsons said that letting go of prejudice is a very important life lesson people need to constantly remind themselves of. "We get stuck in ruts prejudging things, it's not helpful!" he said.

The actor shot to fame for his role as the eccentric Dr Sheldon Cooper in the hit television show The Big Bang Theory, and he cannot help but compare his television alter-ego to Oh.

"Both of them have this stranger in a strange land quality," he said. "Both characters are trying to figure out the world around them, the difference being that one isn't sure he even cares to figure it out, the other one is so eager to do that."

Parsons even said that it was such a happy break to be voicing Oh, as Sheldon is so anti-social while Oh is simply eager to "embrace everyone and wants to be loved."

It was Parsons' first time to voice an animated character and he found the whole process fun. "But for something that requires supposedly no physical work for the finished product, I found myself a very active being behind the booth, I loved it," he said.

Home also stars Rihanna, Steve Martin, and Jennifer Lopez and will hit theatres on March 27.