5 ways to bless yourself


Blessings are a good thing. When we receive them we become enabled to do something more, compared to what we can normally do. When a friend blesses us with comfort, we feel better and are energised to serve better. When our parents bless us with material provisions, we find it easier to manage our daily life with the things they give. Blessings really are good.

God blesses you

God Himself has given us a blessing that nothing can ever compare to. Acts 3:26 tells us, "God, having raised up His servant, sent him to you first, to bless you by turning every one of you from your wickedness."

Through the Lord Jesus, God has first blessed us by turning all of us away from our sinful ways. God is good, for He gave us the greatest blessing of all: to be His children, redeemed and reconciled to Him.

Now, it's your turn

How about you blessing yourself? Sure, the Lord Jesus Himself said it's more blessed to give than to receive. But before we can bless others, we sure need to have something to give. Here are some practical ways where you can bless yourself.

1. Take time off others and spend more time with God

Spending time with others is great, but all of us need some time for solitude. Of course, spending it on yourself alone won't help. Why? When we become so engrossed with ourselves, it produces a host of problems, such as pride (when we think about our good characteristics or achievements) or depression (when we look into ourselves and see our failures and misgivings). Spend time alone with the Lord instead.

2. Feast on the Word of God

Some of you might say this writing is too much, but seriously, as a Christian nothing satisfies us more than God's presence and fills us up the way the Word of God does. Jeremiah delighted himself in God's Word, and so should we:

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts." (Jeremiah 15:16)

3. Take a breather

Take a break off the things that you usually do. All of us need to get some rest. God Himself rested on the seventh day after working on creation for the first six days. If He rested, you should, too.

4. Let go of your burdens unto the Lord

1 Peter 5:7 says we should cast all our cares on the Lord because He cares for us. Why carry a burden alone when God is actually waiting for you to ask for His help?

5. Ask for others to pray for you

While asking for material things from others might not be good for contentment's sake, asking for prayer is something that we should do often – in addition to our personal prayer times! Paul kept asking the churches to pray for him, why can't we?