3 Things Christians Should Avoid in Order to Live for God's Glory


We all live for different things. Some live to be happy, while some live to achieve great heights. While both of these are good, we all need to know that there's only one thing to live for: God Himself.

The Reason to Live

All who are in Christ know that there's only one reason to live, and that is for the glory of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:15 tells us that Christ "died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them."

He is both the reason why we're alive, and the one we live and die for.

Knowing this, it would be best to avoid these three things so that we could live in obedience to Christ Jesus for the glory of God.

1. Sinful Self-Gratification

The number one enemy of following Christ and being like Him is none other than the self. Jesus said in Matthew 16:24 that "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me."

We all need to learn to deny ourselves to be able to follow Him, especially in a generation where men are "lovers of themselves" (see 2 Timothy 3:2). We all need to kill our sinful desires that war against the spirit.

2. A Consuming Desire for Self-Glorification

Another hindrance to pursuing God is the desire to glorify and lift one's self up high. When we choose to honour and place ourselves in a place higher than the one we give to God, it becomes a problem.

Although we often see this in the lives of politicians, celebrities and other people outside the church, this problem isn't limited to them as church-people can and will also be tempted to lift themselves up if they aren't careful. In fact, there are a lot of Christians having this issue in their lives.

We see pastors promoting themselves more than they do Christ and the Word of God. We see ministries praising themselves for the things they do, at times belittling the grace of God that enabled them to do what they did. Seriously, it's a problem.

Keep in mind what Proverbs 3:34 says: "The Lord mocks the mockers but is gracious to the humble."

3. Unhealthy Self-Preservation

Lastly, we should also avoid protecting ourselves too much. I'm not saying we should all be reckless and ignore warnings that safeguard us from harm and certain doom. What I'm saying is that if we try to keep ourselves comfortable and warm and cosy all the time, complete with a very good reputation among all the people, we might end up become people-pleasers who will never dare to do what God says is right.

I'd like to explain too much self-preservation as the act of prioritising one's reputation and comfort way more than pursuing God's will through self-denial, service, facing persecution in sharing the gospel and, and braving against ridicule in doing right. At a time when our faith in God and obedience to His Word is often criticised and insulted, we all need to "set our face like flint" to do the will of God for our lives (see Isaiah 50:7).

Friends, let's keep in mind what the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 16:25-26:

"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"