3 Reasons Why It's Always Best to Wait for the Right Time Before You Awaken Love


"I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or by the does of the field, do not stir up nor awaken love until it pleases." – Song of Solomon 2:7

Waiting for the right time to awaken love might be hard for some people to do considering the kind of culture we now live in. But that's no reason to say that it's impossible to do it.

It can be done, and the Word of God simply says it can be. We are reminded to wait for the right time three times: in Song of Solomon 2:7, 3:5, and 8:4.

Some might say that it's only for the religious. No it's not. It's for everybody. God knows the importance of waiting for the right person and marriage before engaging in physically intimate behavior. Such privilege should be reserved for the marriage alone.

Awakening love, or engaging in intimate behavior at the wrong time and with the wrong person will hurt more than it will satisfy. God wants to protect us from such regretful action and heartache.

Here are some reasons why for singles, it's always best to wait for the right time before awakening love.

1. You Keep Yourself for the One You Love and Marry Someday

Waking love up before marriage is like giving up your one and only precious gem to someone who's not worth it. Jesus said we shouldn't give what is sacred to the dogs (see Matthew 7:6), and that could also be said of keeping one's purity. No one should give it away ever.

In marriage, you have all the opportunity to lavish your love on your spouse, without fear of sinning now and regretting later. Don't trade that for anything.

2. You Avoid Carrying Unnecessary Baggage into Your Marriage

A person with an unhealed heart carries with him baggage and hurts—not to mention regrets and other things—that will affect the quality of relationship he has with his future wife. Waiting for the right time helps avoid this problem.

Investing your time, resources, dreams and affection to a person who's not your spouse is dangerous. Be careful: Intimacy of any kind develops ties that affect your decision-making and thought life. You might end up becoming unfaithful to your spouse even in your mind.

3. You Can Grow in Christ Without Any Hindrance

Marriage helps both the husband and wife grow in Christ-likeness. Intimate relationships before and aside from marriage, however, can distract one from fully following Christ. "No one can serve two masters." If we want to follow Christ, we need to deny ourselves. (see Matthew 6:24, 16:24)

This doesn't mean you should be friendly or welcoming at least. However, it does mean setting up boundaries for you to be safe to prevent you from making wrong decisions.

Decide to prioritise Christ above all. If you see that a friendship will soon blow up into an untimely and non-God-glorifying relationship, steer away from it. Better safe than sorry.

There's Hope

If you're single and have already awakened love, there's hope for you. Repent of whatever sin you have committed and receive God's forgiveness. Turn away from sin, and be healed as you follow God.

If you're already married, but have awakened love before marriage and are experiencing troubles related to it, realise that there's forgiveness in Christ. Repent of all that you've done, and work on loving your spouse. Don't stay stuck in what you've failed to keep for your marriage: focus on being grateful for what God has given you in your spouse today. (see Isaiah 43:18-19)