3 New Year's Resolutions You Should Make


As this year ends, many of us are probably planning on achieving something in the following year. These New Year's Resolutions, as we call them, are simply goals or desires that we want for ourselves. Do you already have some resolutions for yourself?

Many of us want to become better in many things. Some want to shed off some flabs and pounds. Some want to finish reading more books. Some want to start a new hobby or get a new side job. All of these are good and beneficial, but I'd like to add some more that will benefit us more than we think.

If we want a better life next year, here are some New Year's resolutions that we should make.

1. Seek God More

This is the best resolution that anybody could make. Desire to know God more, carefully searching the Scriptures for His character, His desires, His will, and His plans for you.

As an added bonus, the more you realise how good and kind God is and how much He loves you, you'll gain a better view of yourself, as well as a renewed confidence that our God and Father is there for us all the time.

2. Grow in Christ-Likeness

If you found it difficult to grow in the character of Christ this year, next year is the best time for you to do so. Being fashioned into the character of Christ takes a lifetime, but we gradually grow more like Him the more we behold Him.

The Bible tells us that God changes us from "glory to glory," meaning we don't automatically unlearn all that we were before Christ and show all of His character in an instant. It takes time, but because God Himself is committed to transforming us, we are assured that it will happen. We better commit to it then.

3. Enjoy Christ's Freedom More

Christ's freedom means that we are no longer under the power of sin and fear in our lives. We no longer give in to the flesh, and are in no obligation to fulfill its desires. In Christ, we have the power to say "no" to sin, and are given the freedom to live for Christ with nothing holding us back.

Have you lived in total freedom from sin this year, or were you oppressed by an overwhelming urge to do something sinful that you regretted afterwards? Resolve to stand on the finished work of Christ on the cross and enjoy the freedom that He purchased for you with His blood.