10 million Bibles reach China: Ministry says it's a miracle, 'Jesus Himself decided to be our fundraiser'

A worker packs new printed Bible books in a packing room at Amity Printing factory in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China.Reuters

Imagine 10 million Bibles dropping like manna from heaven over China — one of the countries in the world where Christians are not really welcomed. In fact, Chinese authorities recently launched a crackdown on Chinese house churches. They have also been tearing down crosses on Christian facilities.

That's the reason why the printing and distribution of 10 million Bibles in China is considered a huge accomplishment—nothing short of supernatural, according to its organiser, the church-planting Asia Harvest ministry.

"This hasn't been a human accomplishment, but a miracle from the Living God," the ministry states in its online newsletter.

"From a human perspective, our ministry had no chance of producing significant numbers of Bibles....The Lord Jesus Himself decided to be our fundraiser," it says.

How did it happen?

Asia Harvest says support from around the world poured in, resulting in millions of Bibles being printed and delivered across China.

"Instead of connecting us with a few large donors, the Lord chose to link us together with hundreds of normal believer throughout the world," the ministry says.

It's an example of the amazing things that happen when God's people come together for the gospel, it adds.

China Harvest Director Gary Russell lauded Asia Harvest for reaching its goal of delivering 10 million Bibles to China.

"With great thanksgiving to God, I commend Asia Harvest and all of their supporters as they celebrate 10 million Bibles provided to the Church in China," he said in a statement.

"China is a huge nation, and while we are thankful that millions now have access to Bibles, we grieve that many millions of believers are still unable to access God's Word—not counting the hundreds of millions of potential seekers," Russell added.

Asia Harvest is promising to continue printing and distributing Bibles until every person in China has a Bible in their hand.