Religious Movies are Coming

Hamburg, Germany- - Movies with religious themes are the coming trend according to an interview with an expert on idea Television.

After the massive success of movies like "The Passion of the Christ" and "Luther", Hollywood movie producers are searching for more religious films, according to Rev. Bernd Merz, officer for radio, television and films of the Mainline Protestant Churches in Germany.

The trend is not only active in America but also in Germany. "People are seeking their religious roots and open for the Christian message", said Merz. "Luther" made a big success in Germany, having drawn 3 million viewers because it has the good combination of entertainment and faith education.

He said that such religious movies can activate discussions among moviegoers and make their faith grow, but he also warned not to expect exaggerated results along the lines of "You enter the theatre as a pagan and leave as a pious person."

He also commented on the fact that "The Passion of the Christ" had rather weak response in Germany only with 1.3 million viewers. He analysed that this is not because of warnings by church leaders or Jewish association of potential anti-Semitism in Mel Gibson's movie.

Rather Merz believes that German audience were not prepared for the brutal scenes in "The Passion of the Christ". Another factor might be the different religious climate in secularised Europe from the United States with many "pious" Christians, according to Merz.