'The 100' season 4 spoilers: an 'unbeatable' enemy presents new threat

Promotional still from the series "The 100"The CW/Diyah Pera

It looks like fans will have reasons to worry about their favorite characters in "The 100" season 4. With the threat they are facing, death is inevitable.

In the previous season, it was revealed that that the world will be unfit for human habitation in six months due to radiation. This is the final ace up ALIE's (Eric Cerra) sleeve that the evil Artificial Intelligence put in motion before she perished.

According to show creator Jason Rothenberg, this new predicament, which fans will see a whole picture of in "The 100" season 4, will be impossible to get out of alive.

"The earth strikes back in season 4, it is an unbeatable foe," Rothenberg warned via Variety. "It quickly becomes about not how to stop it, because stopping it is not possible, but how do we survive? There aren't enough lifeboats, so who gets to choose who lives?" he went on to say.

Clarke (Eliza Taylor) will be a full-on leader come "The 100" season 4, following her heroic actions in the previous season. She is the one being counted on to get people through this new impasse.

In a clip released exclusively at the San Diego Comic-Con, Clarke was seen reflecting on the situation they are in and starts to question their survival.

"Our enemy isn't something that can be fought, it can't be reasoned with, it can't be killed. When all is lost, can hope survive? Can we survive? After everything we've done, do we deserve to?" she can be heard saying.

Rothenberg has also said that some characters will stop finding a way to stop the destruction of the world and just enjoy the remaining days of their lives in "The 100" season 4.

It is unclear as to who these people will be, but it looks like many of them are losing hope that they could get through this one predicament.

"The 100" season 4 is set to premiere early next year.