Release rallies support against apostasy law in Iran

Release International has launched a viral video to help Christians in Iran, where converts from Islam may soon face the death penalty.

The video's launch follows the vote in the Iranian parliament overwhelmingly in favour of executing citizens found guilty of apostasy, or changing their faith.

The viral video has been made deliberately short so that it can easily be sent by email to friends and contacts.

The aim is to raise prayer and put pressure on the Iranian Government, as Tehran moves closer to imposing a mandatory death penalty on anyone leaving Islam.

Iran has been cracking down on Christians. According to Middle East Concern, the authorities are holding up to 43 Christians from Muslim backgrounds in a number of locations throughout the country.

The viral video ties in with a new appeal by Release International, which serves the persecuted church. Its CEO Andy Dipper said: "New technology and the Internet have handed Christians an incredibly powerful tool for raising awareness, generating prayer and effecting change.

"We're calling on Christians to spread the word about the growing persecution of Christians in Iran - especially Muslims seeking to change their faith. Please get this video out across the entire web. Help us put pressure on Iran to drop its plans to impose the death penalty on Muslims who change their faith."

Iranian Christians are calling for prayer that God's presence will sustain the Christians who are behind bars, that legislators will reject moves to impose the death penalty for apostasy, and that Iranian officials behind the arrests will hear the Gospel and respond to Jesus.

"Let's harness the power of prayer and the Internet to help our brothers and sisters in Iran," said Dipper.

On the web:
Download the Iran viral video from