'Orphan Black' season 4: Delphine becomes latest casualty in new clip

Evelyne Brochu as Delphine in "Orphan Black"BBC

Fans who still latch onto the thought of Delphine returning alive and well in "Orphan Black" season 4 were served with the cold agonizing truth via a new clip from BBC that remembered all the characters that died from the first three seasons of the sci-fi drama.

The clip called "In Memoriam" showed every character, both major and minor, that bit the dust in the last three years of the show. The video was finished off with the death of Delphine, who was seen trying to catch her breath after being shot.

Majority of fans believe that the show is just misdirecting them and that Delphine did not meet her demise, opposite to the show claims. In the comments section of the video, viewers expressed contempt towards the character's apparent death and hoped that she will still be back in "Orphan Black" season 4.

Delphine's death has always been a hot topic within the fans of the Clone Club. It was, in fact, previously addressed by series co-creator John Fawcett. "I know this will be upsetting to many fans but the story in our minds has always been a tragic love story," he told Entertainment Weekly back in June.

"But trust me, this was a necessary move to make. And it's necessary in Cosima's story and it's necessary going forward in subsequent seasons-in season 4 and season 5," Fawcett added.

While his remarks don't make sense for now, the new season should shed some light to the show creator's statements. Assuming Delphine's death really is final, fans will know likely why she had to die in "Orphan Black" season 4 and if it will still be possible to bring her back.

Meanwhile, the upcoming season of the BBC series will also see Sarah in grave danger and Mark teaming up with her and possibly finding the cure. "Orphan Black" season 4 premieres April on BBC.