NFL Commentator Terry Bradshaw Says People Can't Talk About Jesus Christ Anymore


NFL commentator and former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw is upset because, according to him, Americans are no longer free to talk about Jesus Christ.

He told Fox News that people are too afraid to stand up for their faith nowadays, saying it's quite a shame. Not only that, but some Americans don't even respect the country enough to stand up whenever the national anthem is being played, he said.

Bradshaw was commenting on some NFL players' refusal to stand up whenever the national anthem is being played, which has been going on for the past few months. The commentator said these players are entitled to their own opinion, but there will be "repercussions" for their refusal.

Bradshaw said he's never had a problem with people expressing themselves, pointing out that it's what makes America great. Everybody has First Amendment rights, so it's sad whenever Americans refuse to respect the flag, he said. "I find it extremely disrespectful. But if in fact that's what they want to do, then they do it," he added.

"I do have a problem when people in this country don't respect our flag and national anthem. All you got to do is look around – this country's getting worse and worse and more and more immoral and we're rotting from within," Bradshaw continued. "All great empires die from within. We can't talk about Jesus. We can't mention that anymore. So we say 'I'm religious' — because if we say Jesus, you automatically are pigeon-holed and kicked off the desk."

This time, Bradshaw was referring to the recent debate between vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Tim Kaine. The two evaded the term "Christian" and simply described themselves as religious people.

"The two vice presidential guys are going at it and they are both saying what? 'We're religious.' What does that mean – you're religious? Everybody is religious," he said.