'Name it, claim it' and 3 other wrong views of prayer that can cripple us rather than help us


One of the areas God calls every believer to grow in is in the avenue of prayer. The way we view prayer has an enormous effect on how we will live out our faith. Having a wrong view of prayer can often cripple it, but the very essence that dictates the way we behave and the decisions we make.

The many times I was crippled either spiritually, emotionally or even physiologically always had something to do with a wrong perspective towards my prayer life. Prayer is not simply a once-a-day routine we must keep, but a lifestyle that we maintain. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "pray without ceasing."

Here are four common wrong views about prayer that could be bringing unnecessary trouble to you today.

I need more faith to have my prayers answered. There is this wrong mindset that we need more and more faith to see prayers answered. So many Christians think of faith as the will power that acts as a currency to pay for God's favors. While faith is essential to daily living and to prayer, we don't need hyper faith. Jesus once said that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we can move mountains.  Instead of more and more faith, prayer is about making our petitions to God and believing He will answer in His time and in His way.  Simple.

God will give it to me if I want it enough. This "name it, claim it" culture amongst Christians can often end up doing more harm than good. We think that if we pray with the right words and with enough zeal and gusto that God will ultimately say yes. What happens to us ultimately lies on God's kingdom coming and His will being done.  Are you praying in line with those two things?  

It's about the effort and sacrifice. Many Christians think that God answers prayers based on whether we pray long enough, dramatically enough, or fast along with it. Matthew 6:7 says "And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words." God honours sacrifice yes, but not because we help God by adding to His work, but because sacrifice is proof of our complete trust that He is enough for us.

Prayer solves everything. Jesus is the solution to everything no doubt. So many of us the mistake of thinking that our act of bowing our heads and folding our hands will make all our problems go away and all our needs will suddenly be met. We all know based on experience that that's not always what happens. Prayer doesn't always change our circumstances, but with the right attidtude it will always change our hearts and will lead us to trust God even when we don't understand what's going on or it doesn't change in the way we expected or right away.