'Left 4 Dead 3' rumor: Upcoming instalment to serve as franchise prequel?

Left 4 Dead box artValve

While details have yet to be confirmed for a "Left 4 Dead 3" instalment, speculations have been already floating around online. The latest rumor claims that the upcoming installment will not be a continuation of "Left 4 Dead 2" but would instead serve as a prequel for the series.

According to Yibada, sources that claimed to have inside knowledge about the title mentioned that "Left 4 Dead 3" will start its story on the day of the infection itself and will end one month after.

It is also mentioned that the storyline for the next "Left 4 Dead" instalment will cover six campaigns and will be dubbed "Crash-land," "Impasse," "Inquisitor Land," "Early Destination," "Cliff-Hanger," and "No Mercy."

Meanwhile, an earlier report from KPop Starz maintained that although fans might wait a bit longer for "Left 4 Dead 3," the title will still be the first to release before another Valve offering.

Apparently, the title will release before "Half-Life 3." According to the industry follower, due to the massive success of the last "Left 4 Dead" offering, the company is giving preferential treatment to the development of the next instalment, even at the cost of shunting another big-name franchise.

However, the report stated that this rumor should be taken with a grain of salt, since it would be highly unthinkable for Valve to set aside "Half-Life 3." In addition, Valve founder Gabe Newell has been quoted as saying that a "Half-Life" instalment is not currently in the works and Valve developers would be the ones to decide if they still want to launch a third "Half-Life" chapter.

As for when fans can expect "Left 4 Dead 3" to launch, Youth Health Magazine said that the title is already on track and currently scheduled for a 2017 outing.