'Left 4 Dead 3' release date: 4 playable characters, 6 new campaigns to arrive in 2017?

Left 4 Dead 3 is rumored to arrive in 2017.Valve

"Left 4 Dead" fans strongly believe that a third game is currently in development and will contain four playable characters as well as six new campaigns. Valve, the game developer, is expected to drop the bomb for "Left 4 Dead 3" in 2017.

Although the studio has not made any announcement or hinted that a new "Left 4 Dead" game is currently in the works, the rumors of the third game does not want to die down. It was previously reported that there were several telltale signs that pointed to a possible development of the game, like the Source 2 and devtest unit test back In 2013, alleged screen shots of the game in 2014, and the uncovering of a folder that is named after the game last June.

The longest standing one is the names of the supposedly playable characters for games, Garrett Jr. Keenan, Irvin and Katherine. As well as the six campaigns: No Mercy, Crashland, Early Destination, Cliff Hanger, Impasse, and Inquisitor Land. Other rumors suggest that the third game will be a prequel and a sequel, which took place a month after the spread of the infection.

However, up until now, Valve has not mentioned anything related to "Left 4 Dead 3" and fans are afraid that it will not see the light of day, similar to the faith of another first person shooter game from the developer, "Half Life 3." It has been years for both games without any news at all.

"Left 4 Dead" was originally released back in 2008 with four playable characters named Bill, Francis, Louis, and Zoey. A sequel was subsequently released the following year with a new set of characters, namely, Coach, Ellis, Nick, and Rochelle. The premise for both games is survive and escape the virus outbreak, turning humans into zombie creatures, and move on to the next state.

"Left 4 Dead 3" is rumored to arrive by 2017 and is said to be available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.