Kingdom Bank, Tearfund team up for save and give account

Kingdom Bank and Tearfund are partnering to enable people to raise funds towards development while saving their money.

A new special account allows Kingdom Bank's customers to use the interest from their savings to support the charity in its lifesaving work in developing countries.

Interest is paid annually and the amount of interest received is automatically donated to Tearfund.

The account can be opened with as little as £1 and means that savers will be able to give to a charity they care for without having to fill in direct debit forms or using other traditional means of donating to charity.

Chief Executive of Kingdom Bank, Chris Sheldon, said: “Save&Give is a superb way for savers to give to the work of a super charity while knowing their money is safe.

“We will give those with the account a higher rate of interest than our standard accounts, and all of the interest is then by transferred annually by us to Tearfund.”

Andrew McCracken, UK Director, Tearfund added: “We would like to thank Save&Give’s customers for choosing to give the interest on their savings to Tearfund.

"All donations make a real difference to our work. Tearfund has a ten-year vision is to see 50 million people released from material and spiritual poverty through a worldwide network of 100,000 local churches.”