iPod Touch 6th generation to release in June?


Although Apple has not confirmed if it would still release a new version of the iPod touch, fans are still speculating that a new generation of the device would make its debut this year. Latest rumors suggest that the 6th generation of Apple's iconic music player will be unveiled this June. 

According to the rumors, Apple is keeping mum about the issue but is considering providing details about the release of the new iPod touch at the upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference. This annual event will be happening this year starting on June 8 and ending on June 12. Many specultions surrounding the next Apple announcement have circulated, most notable among them are the iOS 9, a new iPhone, and a new iPod touch.

Rumors about the new iPod touch are not new, as they have already been circulating since last year. Most observers say that the new iPod touch will be a combination of its predecessor, the Touch 5, and some of the new features of the iPhone such as Siri. Reportedly, the new multimedia player will also come with Force Touch technology, to allow the interface and user interaction to be much more streamlined. 

In addition, the iPod touch 6th generation is supposedly waterproof to keep up with users with a more active lifestyle. Since the iconic music player will come from a company with a multitude of flagship products, the new iPod touch will also be able to link up with the owner's iPhone, and can receive notifications and messages just like the recently-launched Apple Watch. 

Since it was reported that the unveiling will occur in the middle of the year, most observers say that the new iPod touch will be released in the market before the year ends, preferably in October or November alongside a new iPhone.