Interview: Tearfund's Nigel Timmins on Darfur

Nigel Timmins is Operations Manager of the Disaster Response Team for Darfur at Christian humanitarian agency Tearfund.

|PIC1|Yesterday saw campaigners take part in meetings and rallies in over 50 cities with the call for an end to the civil war in the troubled region in western Sudan.

Timmins was at Downing Street on Sunday to witness senior religious leaders in the UK pray for an end to the civil war that has killed at least 200,000 people and displaced more than 2 million.

He shared with Christian Today some of his thoughts on the campaign for action on Darfur.

CT: Tell me about what you are hoping to see happen here?

NT: Essentially we are wanting to focus attention on the situation in Darfur. In humanitarian terms it is deteriorating and so we want to bring that to the attention of the world so that something can be done.

CT: Are you hopeful that something is going to be done?

NT: We are encouraged by the current levels of coverage that's happening but obviously the reality is what happens on the ground. And at the moment we are seeing a deteriorating situation, we're seeing increasing insecurity, we're seeing a decrease in access to people affected by the conflict as a humanitarian agency and that's what needs to change.

CT: Tony Blair said he is going to make Darfur a priority. Are you pleased with the efforts of Tony Blair on Darfur so far?

NT: I think we are pleased with anyone who is willing to engage with Darfur seriously. As a humanitarian agency we are just wanting to flag up the fact that it is a serious situation. And that something needs to be addressed. So that's one element, that it's really the government of Sudan and their responsibility as the sovereign government of that country as well have a big part to play and we want to see that all come together.

CT: And what about the individual Christian, what can they do?

NT: I think pray. We believe that God is the Sovereign God, so I think as Christians, to pray, and also show that Christians love Muslims in the same way we should love all people of all faiths. That for me is a critical thing - and campaign; get the world's attention, by writing to their MP or their political leaders and get it to their attention.