Former Communard to speak about his journey from pop star to priest

The Communard who exchanged his pop career for a cassock will talk about his life as a priest and why he decided to follow God's calling.

The Rev Richard Coles was one half of 80s chart-toppers The Communards who with singer Jimmy Somerville had a string of hits, including a cover of Thelma Houston's 'Don't Leave Me This Way'.

Following the duo's split in 1988, Coles began his theological training and entered the priesthood, going on to become curate at St Paul’s Church, Knightsbridge, London.

He will talk about some of the highlights of his remarkable journey at Christ Church Parish Church in Cardiff next Wednesday.

Reflecting on his change of career, he said: “It was bananas. I had just turned 40, I had a good living and then suddenly I threw myself into theological college, an environment where I was wearing a cassock and sleeping with people in the same room. It was a cultural shock and very odd to begin with.

"Nobody joins the church because of the pay and conditions or because it is an attractive career package. You do it because you are conscious of a vocation to it.”

Coles will also talk about his work as a priest in broadcasting. He was the inspiration for the recent BBC programme, The Rev and occasionally steps in to present the Radio 4 programme, Saturday Live. He has also been a guest on Have I Got News For You.

The event has been organised by the Rev Richard Spencer, the director of ordinands for Llandaff Diocese, following the launch of the Church in Wales' new five-year strategy to encourage more people to consider ordained ministry.

Rev Spencer agreed that becoming a priest could be daunting.

"It can be very scary answering a call from God to be a priest as it can turn your life upside down and inside out," he said.

"Not everyone’s calling will be as dramatic as Richard’s but we hope his story will inspire others and encourage them to explore God’s direction for their lives. We are delighted to welcome him.”

Rev Coles will be speaking at Christ Church Parish Church in Roath Park, Cardiff, on Wednesday, October 20, at 7.30pm.