'Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water' to be a Wii U eShop exclusive

Nintendo web site

The upcoming horror title known as "Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water" will be exclusively offered  at the Wii U eShop.

Although things can always change in terms of how a game may be released, the word so far is that fans should not expect the game to be available in physical form.

Given the prospect of no disc being made available for "Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water," Nintendo may be looking to make up for that in a different way.

The new game will reportedly be offered together with a "free to start" trial, and what this means is that players curious about it can try it out first and see if it is their cup of tea. To be more specific, players will be allowed to download the game itself, gain full access to its prologue, the first chapter, and majority of its second chapter, according to Game Rant.

From there, players can decide if the game, based on what they've experienced from playing it thus far, is worth purchasing just to see how it ends and how the story itself might progress.

Nintendo's decision to offer the game with a "free to start" trial may end up helping its sales down the road. According to IGN, the "Fatal Frame" franchise has a cult following in western countries, and it figures to at least have a fighting chance of capitalizing on its somewhat well rooted popularity.

For those who may not have had much exposure to the "Fatal Frame" franchise, a simplistic reduction of what it's about involves players being able to eliminate ghosts while also capturing them on film with the use of a unique camera.

Interested gamers can purchase the game for $49.99 when it is released Oct. 22.