Microsoft DX12 games to release by end of year


The head of Microsoft's Xbox division, Phil Spencer has been communicating via Twitter that the very first games sporting the tech giant's upcoming API, the DirectX 12, will be expected to be released by the end of 2015. The first tweet that the executive sent was the result of a question that username @whatsausername3 had asked. The individual asked that:

"@Xboxp3 Phil when should we start seeing games take full advantage of DX12 from the ground up and not just dx11 ports for xb1? 2015 or 2016?"

To this Spencer replied:

"@whatsausername3 Likely by the end of 2015."

In another tweet, Spencer was asked whether or not he believes that game developers will be adopting the company's upcoming API. The head of Microsoft's Xbox division had replied that game developers will do what they feel is best since the gaming studio will be able to benefit from this adoption. DirectX 12 will be a part of Microsoft's upcoming operating system, Windows 10, so it is highly possible that developers will adopt DX12 natively in order to make their efforts and upcoming games more profitable.

The tweet details are as follows:

Ivan: "@BuckGamer @XboxP3 i agree. Just would like to hear Phil opinion on this. Plus this pic is golden in this case."

Phil Spencer: "@Xone_br33 @BuckGamer Obviously studios will do what is best for them. DX12 across Xbox1 & Win10 will give devs a lot of DX12 gamers."

While this has not been confirmed by the Microsoft, one video game that could take thorough advantage of the tech firm's DirectX 12 API is "Fable Legends," which was developed by a studio that comes under the ownership of Microsoft. One reason why the aforementioned title could be cherry picked out of thousands is because it was the first ever title that featured cross-platform play between the Xbox One and PC.