DVD helps churches respond to claims of new atheists

Focus has produced a new DVD resource to help churches respond to the claims of new atheists like Richard Dawkins.

‘God: new evidence’ features Christian academics, including John Polkinghorne, former Professor of Mathematical Physics at Cambridge University, David Wilkinson, Principal of St John’s College, Durham, and Rodney Holder of The Faraday Institute.

They shed light on some of the developments in science in the last half century that support the theory that the creation of the universe and earth has been designed, contrary to the claims of new atheists that it was a random change of events.

Producer David Couchman, said: “Dawkins claims that God is a delusion and that religious faith is evil. But what if the scientific evidence itself is telling a different story?

“Over the past fifty years, scientists have uncovered a series of remarkable facts which show that the creation is an extremely unlikely place, fine-tuned in many specific ways that make human life possible. It shows all the signs that it has been purposefully designed as a place for us to live.

“We’ve made ‘God: new evidence’ as a series of videos about these remarkable discoveries that point us towards the Creator’.”

Focus is encouraging as many churches, home groups and Christian Unions to use the DVD as possible and has made the full content available in the form of free downloads from its website, www.focus.org.uk