Christian Parents Offer Their Top Tips on How to Travel With Kids


Things are different when married couples travel by themselves and when they travel with their chil;dren. When it comes to travelling with kids, extra preparation and patience are needed.

To help parents plan for trips with their kids, Christian couple Gregory and Marina Slayton shared some travelling tips with The Christian Post. Gregory Slayton is a former U.S. ambassador to Bermuda and author of the best-selling book "Be a Better Dad Today: Ten Tools Every Father Needs" while Marina Slayton is the author of the new book "Be The Best Mom You Can Be."

Marina said parents should keep trips short and easy especially when kids are still young. "Short car trips can be great. You are in control of your timing and can easily bring whatever you need. Long plane trips are to be avoided if possible. Keep it simple and fun. Shorter is usually better," she advised.

Marina also suggested that parents choose family-friendly places that have breastfeeding stations or play areas where kids can enjoy themselves. When families are staying over with their relatives, they should make sure that kids are really welcome. Otherwise, it might turn out to be an unpleasant trip.

For those who have older kids, Marina said it would be great to get their input on where they want to go or what activities they would like to try. "You all can talk about the trip at the dinner table. Help the kids understand how you expect them to behave. Set the rules and enforce them," she said.

As for Gregory, he said couples should try asking advice from their friends who already have lots of travel experience. Travel websites can indeed be a goldmine for information, but Gregory said nothing beats first-hand knowledge and information from friends.

He also believes in travelling with other family members and close friends. "Sometimes travelling together with the kids can be too much togetherness. That's why it can be great to have another family or your extended family with you," he explained. "They can look after the kids for a bit and give you and your spouse some adult time."

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