AFA slams Target's 10 percent discount offer as a 'desperate' move to rescue low sales


It is no secret that retail giant Target has been losing sales ever since it implemented its transgender bathroom policy. To recover from dwindling sales, Target has offered a 10 percent discount on everything in its stores nationwide.

The American Family Association (AFA), which initiated the boycott against Target, called Target's new move as "desperate" promotion, according to The Christian Post. The nonprofit organisation hopes people won't be swayed by Target's marketing tactic and would stand firm on their values.

"Desperate! Target is discounting everything to win shoppers back amid #BoycottTarget. Don't be fooled, their dangerous policy still allows men into the same facilities as little girls. Help keep the boycott going strong," AFA writes in a Facebook message.

Over 1.4 million Americans have already signed the online petition boycotting all Target stores, and they will continue to shop elsewhere until the company scraps its policy of allowing people to use bathrooms based on their preferred gender.

Despite this threat, Target has stayed put on its decision. It even tried to appease angry customers by implementing the single-occupancy restroom in 300 of its 1,800 stores nationwide. The single-toilet bathrooms, which cost the company $20 million, are not for the use of the LGBT community. Target announced that it would be for individuals who feel uncomfortable sharing a restroom with a transgender individual.

But Walker Wildmon, assistant to the president of the AFA, does not think it's enough. He says the addition of private restrooms "doesn't completely answer our concerns," since what they want is to have the inclusive bathroom policy changed.

Wildmon adds that the AFA is "confident that our boycott has played a significant role on Target's financial results that came out today."