A very British Christmas bingo

Dave Bradshaw Photography

The British Christmas is an institution. From raucous carol singing to the extended family coming together and consuming an unholy amount of turkey, it's the most wonderful time of year.

In honour of today's celebrations, we've put together a list of a few incidents to check off as they almost undoubtedly happen. If you get a full house, reward yourself with a (second...third or possibly even fourth) mince pie...

  • Your rowdy uncle drops off after having a few too many Sherries.
  • Someone insists on standing up for the Queen's speech.
  • Everyone sits around eyeing up the last roast potato, and then glares at whoever has the audacity to actually eat it.
  • The phrase "I can't believe it's Christmas" gets thrown around at least four times before lunch.
  • Grandma asks for the TV to be turned up. It's already at full volume.
  • The annual "Just eat ONE SPROUT" showdown.
  • You sit down to play a game and notice people surreptitiously shuffling around so as not to get partnered with Aunt Mildred.
  • All family ties are at risk of being severed during said game. You realise that whoever said "blood is thicker than water" had clearly never played Pictionary with Granddad.
  • Someone announces they're "Going for a walk". They do not invite anyone else to join them.
  • "I couldn't possibly eat another bite" is followed swiftly by consuming at least six chocolates.
  • You realise that buying anyone over the age of 35 an iPad was a terrible, terrible idea.
  • You discreetly try to check if that earring set from Next came with a gift receipt.
  • Somebody ends up on the naughty step (not necessarily a child).
  • The Christmas tree gives up and keels over.
  • You remember those nuts you popped in the oven to roast six hours later.
  • You realise you've forgotten to buy someone a gift and despertately try to repackage one of mum's candles.
  • You start googling crash diets at around 7pm.