Women in Taiwan Church Are Trained for the E-Generation

TAIWAN--- When the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan(PCT) meets again in 2004, at least one fifth of the voting members of every board, committee and task force appoint female ministers.

To prepare the human resources for this eventuality, the Women's General Affairs Committee of Tainan Presbytery has enlisted the help of Tainan Theological College to offer a course for 21st Century women.

The curriculum is comprehensive. Lessons include Foundations of Christian faith, Presbyterian Faith and Order, Scriptural Interpretation in Women's Experience, Spiritual Growth, Women and Mission, Modern Religions, Social Analysis and Spiritual Renewal and Church Revival.

Special emphasis will be placed upon Leadership and Development for the new century, EQ education, Stress Management; Project Planning and Evaluation, Social Welfare, Women's Welfare as well as Self-Development and Life Planning.

The first session of the course will be held on September 26th at the college. Women from Tainan Presbytery are all welcomed to enroll.

Reference: www.pctpress.com.tw