Signs and miracles can change lives but not if we are still indulging in these sinful behaviours


There is a school of thought going around the body of Christ today suggesting that seeing signs and wonders is a sure way of saving, converting and transforming the lives of skeptics and unbelievers. There is countless evidence, however, showing that miracles are not a surefire way to bring about change.

I recently met with a young and zealous follower of Christ who had transferred from another church community to ours. The past church he went to was a wonderful and Spirit-empowered church that moved in various ministries of healing and miracles.

Despite all of those miracles, he had to leave the church due to a handful of instances where he had sexual relations with many of the women of that church.

The encounter with that young leader got me thinking whether signs and wonders really do produce the results of reconciliation and redemption or if they are not as powerful as we think they are.

Although there is no disqualifying the power and effectivity of signs and wonders because many of the mass conversions in the Bible happened after perceived miracles and manifestations were performed, they are not the only way that God moves, and neither are they a 100 percent guarantee that people will be transformed.

Take for example the judge Samson, who moved numerous times in great and supernatural strength but disobeyed God and showed undeniable selfishness on many occasions as well. And let's not forget the Israelites who moved out of Egypt and saw various signs and wonders such as the nine plagues and a pillar of fire, but still chose various idols over God on other occasions.

God can also move in the more subtle things such as personal follow-up, counselling sessions, quiet times and devotionals and simple moments of personal prayer. That's not to say that these are 100 percent guarantees of changed lives either, but the point is that God moves in various ways.

Ultimately, we will still falter and fail despite the many times that God manifests. Paul saw Jesus face to face, but had such enormous pride that God had to send him a "thorn in the flesh," and let's not forget Peter, who personally knew Jesus but denied Him three times.

God can use signs and miracles to bring revelation and power, but they do not always transform us overnight. Glorification is a slow and painful process that God brings us through and signs and wonders are not the only way that God allows that process to happen.

My hopes are that believers will not put too much emphasis on miraculous healing because God moves in different ways with different people at various seasons in our lives. Signs and wonders are some of those ways, but let us also look to the other, more discreet yet equally powerful ways that God moves.