When your pastor asks you to scrub toilets: A lesson on volunteerism

Pixabay / Sferrario1968

Ministry can be a fulfilling endeavour can get into, especially when one jumps into it on a volunteer basis. Sure you don't get paid to do it, but the joy of serving God and fellow believers can be a reward on its own.

The fulfilment of ministry comes not from the praises we get from pastors or the free food given every after the service. In fact, to serve for the glory and returns will never be satisfying and will only breed a sense of entitlement that neither honors God or brings blessing to the volunteers and the body of Christ.

Which brings us to a specific scenario: if you sign up for a volunteer ministry and your pastor assigns you to clean the toilets on the first day, how would you feel? A common response would probably be "does this guy know who I am?" or "I think my pastor is taking advantage of me."

Well, whether he is or isn't shouldn't matter most. What should really matter most is how we respond.

Every Christian has probably heard of an instance that Jesus shared with His disciples where He washed their feet. Looking at the cultural context of the Jews, the washing of feet was the lowest form of service there was. It was similar to taking out the trash, sweeping the streets or even cleaning the church toilet.

On top of exemplifying true service, Jesus' intent here was to expand the vision of the disciples and show them that the smallest of tasks can yield the most impactful results.

Imagine if no one would clean toilets in a church. Do you think a first comer who is particular about hygiene will ever come back after he or she sees that the bathroom isn't speck clean? I don't think so.

God doesn't call anyone to small dirty jobs. He calls believers to participate by doing seemingly small and insignificant tasks to bring greater advancement to the kingdom of God here on earth. Just as the young boy who faithfully gave a few pieces of fish and bread to Jesus, God will use you to do mighty things if you trust Him with the little that you have to offer and give.

Luke 16:10 says, "One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much." Will you be faithful with the little? The next time you get the chance, take some time to clean those toilets.