What to do when the circumstances around you are dire and you're losing heart


"My flesh and my heart fails, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:26)

When you look at the news and recent events happening around the globe today, you can't help but wonder where the world is headed to. Does reading or hearing the news, either local or abroad, cause you to worry and lose hope for a brighter future? If it does, then you're not alone.

We all going through unpleasant situations from time to time. At times, the circumstances that surround us become overwhelmingly depressive or saddening that our hearts begin to feel weak and helpless against them. What do we do when that happens?

We put our trust in the Lord our God.

Taking refuge

The Bible tells us that our God is a strong tower, a refuge in whom we can take shelter and be safe. While that might sound "figurative" to many, God is a literal stronghold who protects and defends His people.

Consider what the psalmist declares of the Lord in Psalm 91:9-13:

"Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling, there shall be no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your tent; for He shall give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. They shall bear you up in their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot."

God sure is very trustworthy. The Bible tells us that no matter what is happening around us, God remains on His throne. Consider the following verses to realize how mighty our God is, that we should not fret when we have Him as our refuge.

Psalm 103:19 – "The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all."

Psalm 47:8-9 – "God reigns over the nations; God sits on His holy throne. The princes of peoples are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham. For the shields of the earth belong to God; He is greatly exalted."

Psalm 2:2-4 – "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, "Let us tear off their bonds and cast away their ropes from us." He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord ridicules them."

Our God is mighty and good

Friends, our God and Father is as mighty as He is good and loving. We can take refuge in Him for He is good and loving towards us. Christ our Lord and Savior has overcome the world for us; if He has overcome, we can have peace no matter what happens (see John 14:27, 16:33).

Take heart, my friend. Put your trust in the Lord, for those who trust in Him will never be put to shame (see Psalm 25:3; Romans 10:11).

"The Lord says, "I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation."" (Psalm 91:14-16 NLT)