'Sims 4' expansion pack DLC release date in April: 'Back to Work' content


The recently launched "The Sims 4" from Electronic Arts will be releasing a new expansion pack with a reported coming of 'Back to Work' downloadable content.

Reportedly coming next month in North America, the 'Back to Work' DLC will give players more options as far as playing their favorite Sims are concerned. The update will be available for PC and MAC version of "The Sims 4."

With the expansion pack, players will now have more options in checking out what their Sims are doing while they are at work.

So for folks who have Sims following a medical career, you can now see them at work and how they are saving lives. A new disease mechanic may pose a challenge to users as they try to cure their fellow Sims.

For would-be detectives, players can monitor how their Sims are performing as they try to solve crimes. Should players come across 'bad Sims', it seems that the expansion pack will allow them to murder the other which should be something interesting to take on although it does offer a bit of negativity to the game. Of course that depends on the one playing behind the console which hopefully are over 18 years old.

As for other careers, there should be some special feature on the career that they have chosen to follow. For now however and based on rumors, these are just some of the many careers that players can opt to follow.

The said expansion pack will be available in April, 2015 in either compact disk or digital download. The Sims 'Back To Work' expansion pack will retail for about $40 which could be kinda steep though "Sims 4" addicts are sure to be interested in the said new features.