Row over Brexit has made truth 'slippery', says Bishop of Salisbury

(Photo: Unsplash/Dylan Nolte)

Christians trying to make sense of Brexit must seek truth and consider the views of others 'in love', rather than giving in to 'easy caricatures' of people they disagree with, says the Bishop of Salisbury. 

Bishop Nicholas Holtam told the Diocesan Synod that Britain had got itself 'in a bit of a mess', as he voiced concern over rising nationalism and the future of the union. 

He also cautioned people to remain civil in the debate over Brexit, which continues to be the subject of fierce debate among Britons even as the deadline to leave the EU draws near.

'What are we doing as a country?' he asked. 

'It feels as though truth has become slippery. There are 'alternative facts'. But even if it is difficult to get it right, keep on being about the truth.

'That's why it matters we challenge one another, and do so in love. And in such a divided debate, rather than slip into easy caricatures of the people with whom we disagree, take the trouble to represent the views of others at their best rather than worst, as accurately and fairly as we can.' 

The bishop called on clergy and laity from across the diocese to use the 'convening power of churches' to bring people together to find ways of encouraging one another as well as debating the important issues. 

Even though Christians too are split on Brexit, he said it was important that the faithful model 'good practice' in seeking to answer the difficult questions thrown up by Britain's exit from the EU.

'I have never felt more urgent about what the Christian Gospel has to contribute to our common good. There is a real issue of what is being unleashed,' he said

He asked Christians to join with him in praying for the nation's leaders as they steer the country through Brexit.

'Pray for our politicians and especially for the government. Brexit is widely thought to be the most difficult task the country has undertaken in peace time,' he said.

'We might not have the best politicians, but they are the best politicians we've got. May God give them good judgement and set them free from self-interest so they act for the good of all.'

He also asked that they pray with him for the UK and Northern Ireland, adding, 'I do think the union is threatened by this.'

'And pray as well as for the EU,' he continued. 

'We are in this together. We may be leaving the EU but we will still be European. How are we going to remain an outward looking, global, creative, collaborative and imaginative contributor in this politically and environmentally fragile world?

'And whatever happens on 29 March, we can reasonably expect the sun will rise the day after. Life goes on. Continue to seek to live by the values by which Christians live. Seek peace, truth, justice and above all love.'