Prayer for those affected by Hurricane Sandy

The Anglican Consultative Council, meeting this week in New Zealand, has issued a special prayer for people affected by Hurricane Sandy in the north-eastern US.

Creating God, you have set us in a world beyond our control yet promised never to allow it's captivity to decay to destroy us.

We now pray for all those experiencing the havoc of storm and tempest in the Caribbean and North America, especially those who have lost homes or loved ones. Give courage to those who work in emergency services, wisdom to those leading communities and nations, and compassion and patience to families and friends as they seek safety together, share the grief this time, and work to rebuild cities and neighbourhoods.

Hasten that day when the whole creation shall be renewed and we live at peace and in harmony with the world and its peoples.

Accept our prayer through Jesus Christ, who himself calmed the storm and taught us not to fear but to trust you as the God who dwells with us in every circumstance.