Operation Mobilisation reaches out to 15,000 Indian children

|PIC1|Operation Mobilisation has launched an appeal to aid thousands of poor children in India.

The Christian evangelical organisation launched an initiative called "Help Feed a Child in India" to provide aid to over 15,000 children, mostly of whom are Dalits or "untouchables".

The ministry has over 100 Dalit schools in India, which offers education to children, who continue to compose the most vulnerable sections of the society.

India is home to 400 million children, the largest number in any country in the world. It is estimated that forty to one hundred million children are in child labour in India, the vast majority of whom are from the low and oppressed castes.

“The English-based education offers them future job opportunities that would otherwise be impossible. In addition, the students take what they learn in school about God and His love and share it with their families at home,” OM said in a statement.

OM noted that most of the children are from families who are financially weak and education and food must therefore be offered at no cost.

“Approximately 50 per cent of India’s children suffer from malnutrition, and most of those are among the Dalits,” the ministry said.

"$50 will feed a child for an entire school year ie 200 days!" OM said adding that the contribution "will help combat hunger and malnutrition and will enable a child to make strides toward a better future".

Operation Mobilisation International was founded by George Verwer in 1957 to mobilize young people to share their Christian faith. It started in Mexico and spread to Europe and India by 1963.

The ministry has more than 5,400 people spread over 110 countries, seeking to "demonstrate and proclaim the love of God".

The OM Ships Ministry began in 1970 as part of the global Christian training and outreach movement. Since then, OM's ships have visited over 450 different ports in 150 countries and territories and have welcomed 37 million visitors on board.