Miracle on the Streets of Southampton

“Mission-shaped” church is a new movement in the UK; many churches are looking for new ways to express themselves. Miracle Street, an evangelical ministry, aims to bring the church to people through promoting activities on the street.

From 28 June to 4 July, 'Miracle Street' will be on its mission tour in Millbrook, Southampton. The Bandwagon, Miracle Street’s fantastic mobile arena which is specially designed for areas of high depravation and concentrated housing, has hosted lots of gospel activities during the week since it arrived at Green Park. Bandwagon’s exterior boarding was decorated by professional graffiti artist, David Fenton, to make it more attractive.

In partnership with the United and Millbrook Christian Centre, the Miracle Street is running a week of cafe style meetings. The meetings are a lively mix of decks led music, stunts and illusions, testimonies and relevant preaching. All activities take place in the Bandwagon, which can accommodate up to five hundred people on tiered seating under a canvas roof structure. A children and families event in the afternoon and a lunch time programme of schools work will also be held. Starting from 7pm every evening, there is an alternative music worship- Festival SO16.

The Bandwagon comes back to mission in Southampton following its great success in 2003. In 2003, the Bandwagon stayed in Millbrook, Southampton for 3 weeks. It proved to be successful as the hearts of many young people were revived during the worships. This year, the local council and police have shown their support by providing funding for a 3 month Christian community festival.

According to Miracle Street, its vision is based on the scene described in the Bible when crowds gathered to hear the early evangelists declare a message of freedom, hope and reconciliation in the street of Jerusalem -- thousands of people’s lives changed and many gave up everything to follow Jesus after listening to the Gospel, thus, the first Christian church was born.

Miracle Street’s core team leader, Steve Lee, also being part of the leadership team of Community Church Southampton and a team ministry of the c.net international network of churches, strongly believes that “evangelism does not just exist to create events, missions and campaigns”, instead “making disciples” should be the greatest challenge. He believes that “Jesus never told people to simply say a prayer, raise their hands and fill in a response card. He invited them to leave behind their old way of live and follow him.” In the same way, Miracle Street works with local churches to equip and provide training to evangelical leaders. It also creates events to show people to the love of God, making disciples of all people.