How to know if I am still in the will of God for my life


For Christians, seeking the will of God and doing it is probably one of the most fulfilling and satisfying things to do in life, along with cultivating a growing and deepening relationship with God. However, because we are often faced with many distractions and possible detours in life, it would be best to check if we are still in line with the will of God for our lives.

Here are some things you can do.

1) Check your relationship with God

Let's be frank. Only those who are born again can see the kingdom of God (see John 3). Have you really repented of your sin and turned to Christ for your salvation?

A person will never know what God's will for them is unless they have a relationship with God which begins at salvation. He is our Father, and we should treat Him that way: He is above us, and we obey Him, not the other way round. This relationship is foundational to everything.

2) Renew your mind

The Bible says that we will only come to know the "good, pleasing and perfect will of God" once we are transformed by the renewing of our mind! (see Romans 12:2)

We will never know and understand God's will for us if our minds are still carnal and fleshly. We need to have our minds changed and renewed by God's Word on a daily basis!

3) Pray and read your Bible every single day

Just like any child, we need to talk to and listen to our Father constantly so that we will get to know and understand His heart. Do you pray to God and read your Bible daily?

God's will, contrary to how people might think, is not hidden in some secret language that only "the anointed" can understand. It's actually plainly laid out in Scripture – Jesus Himself came to plainly reveal to us who the Father really is! (John 14:8-10)

4) Meditate on the Word of God

We need to continually meditate on the Word of God. Just like any handbook that gives full, detailed instructions regarding this and that, the Bible clearly gives us instructions and teachings for us to obey, as well as rebuke and correction for when we go astray (see 2 Timothy 3:16).

5) Carefully obey the Word of God

Don't just meditate on the Word, do what it says! James 1:22 tells us that if we only listen to the Word and not do what it says, we will be deceived! Meditate on the Word of God and obey it always. God promises that you will be successful in all that you do if you obey His Word (see Joshua 1:7-8).

As an added bonus, you wouldn't need to worry if you're out of God's will if you carefully obey His Word, simply because it's His Word.