How to Deal With Angry and Judgmental Christians


You've probably had an encounter with people claiming to be Christian who weren't one to keep their views on politics, life, homosexuality, drinking or any other topic for that matter to themselves. You must have thought, "This isn't how a Christian should act."

Angry and judgmental Bible-bashers have somewhat become the most popular stereotype of a Christian, and that's not a good thing. We also know that it's a very inaccurate stereotype because that's not what the Bible teaches and definitely not what all Christians are like.

For Christians who don't fit that type, it can get quite frustrating and even drive us to the point that we view obnoxious Christians as the problem. Well, they aren't the real problem, and going against them might not be the best way to deal with angry and judgmental Christians.

You Can't Fight Fire With Fire

Jesus once said in Matthew 5:43-44, "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."

One can just imagine Jesus saying this with the Pharisees around. It would have been like telling them directly, "I love you anyway."

We often have this stigma that Jesus was fighting the legalistic fire with a fire of His own. And while Jesus would argue with some people, He would often do so with a motivation of love, not with a motivation to angrily belittle or humiliate anyone. When we start fighting fire with fire, we become no different from them.

Fight With Grace and Meekness

Jesus exhibited so many times in the Bible what it means to fight with grace and meekness always with the intention to win over, not win against. Galatians 6:1 tells us, "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness."

It sometimes makes no sense how we're supposed to fight anger with meekness, and pride with humility. But that's how the kingdom of God works. It's not so much about who's louder but about who's more gracious.

Win Them Over, Don't Beat Them Down

We often think about the Pharisees as people Jesus would just love to send to hell. But that's not just the case. John 3:16 reminds us that "God so loved the world," and that included angry and legalistic people like the Pharisees.

Angry and judgmental Christians who wave their pickets and troll on Facebook need Jesus just as much as we do. Are we going to choose to deprive them of that by throwing angry accusations and insults back or will we act in grace and seek to win them over instead of beat them down?