How Christians should parent generation z


My six-year old son and I were about to sit down to play Lego together. "Mummy," he said, "don't bring your phone with you. You have to play properly with me."

That was me told but he had a good point. I needed to take that opportunity to connect with him and not check my emails, reply to texts or browse my newsfeed on Facebook.

Wanting our parents attention is nothing new. I can remember as a child getting frustrated when mine were cooking, tidying or playing golf. My brother and I would get annoyed with my Dad when, on his only two week holiday with us, he would be searching for a payphone so that he could call the office to check he wasn't missing out on anything important.

Back then we didn't have technology to compete with and neither did they.

For those of us parenting today, we are in unchartered territory. The digital age has changed the landscape and the challenge is to find a way to equip our children to build great connections, make wise choices and build resilience.

Parenting our child around screen time and online behaviour doesn't have to be daunting. In fact, it is likely to involve using many of the skills and responses that work offline.

Here are seven tips on helping our children to use technology positively and safely.

1. Take a balanced view

There can be two temptations as a parent when it comes to technology: one is to see it as negative and ban it completely and the second is to ignore the dangers and bury your head in the sand. Neither approach will equip your child effectively. Like most things in life – technology can be used for good or evil. As a parent, you can help your child to be aware of the difference. With you as their guide they can learn to overcome any challenges and make good choices in the way they interact online.

2. Get involved

Technology is constantly changing and so it is a good idea to keep yourself up to date with what your child is using and how it works. Become familiar with the social networks, apps and games that they are using. Be curious and ask your child and other young people that you know to explain something if you are unsure.

Spend time using technology together whether playing a game, creating something together or helping find information. Get to know what they are doing online and the friends that they are making.

3. Create tech-free times

It is important to have quality time as a family where you are interacting without the distractions of devices. Set aside times in the week when you can all relate face-to-face and without screens perhaps during a family night or over a meal together.

4. Agree limits

Boundaries help your child to feel safe and secure and this applies online. When your child is younger they will need greater limits but these can be re-negotiated as they become older and more independent. Think about limits in regards to areas such as time allowed on screens, appropriate content, budget, behaviour online, sharing private information and access to certain sites or games. Consider forming a Family Internet Agreement and discuss consequences for breaking any limits.

It is also worth creating a united front with any other adults involved in your child's life.

5. Equip children to make good choices

It is important to train your child to respond well when you are not there looking over their shoulder. Talk through various scenarios with them and help them to protect their privacy and reputation online.

Help them to understand the behaviour and values you want to see displayed in all areas of life also apply online. For example, if kindness is something that you expect – emphasise the importance of being kind with people on social networks.

6. Develop your child's resilience

Developing resilience online is about helping your child to bounce back from any challenges or mistakes that they might experience. The best way to do this is to create an environment where your child can talk to you about anything they encounter online and where they can learn from any mistakes that they make.

7. And finally

Help them to know that you will love them whatever and that no problem – online or off - is too big for you to overcome together.

Sarah Abell is the founder of and is passionate about helping people to love, live and lead authentically. If you want to find out how authentic your relationships are – you can take a free test on her website.