Free Easter song accompanies Real Easter Eggs

The Real Easter Egg is hitting supermarket shelves for the first time and this year a song by Tara Mathew's is accompanying the chocolate treat.

Download details of "In Three Days" are featured on the packaging of The Real Easter Eggs - the only Easter eggs on sale in the UK explaining the religious significance of the festival.

The song and accompanying video have been created to explain Jesus' death on the cross and his resurrection.  

They are commended by Church of England Missioner Bishop Graham Cray.

"The Christian story has always been communicated in the media of the day - whether that were mystery plays, stained glass, Handel's Messiah, Hip Hop or music video," he said.

"I am pleased to commend Tara Mathew's 'In Three Days' as a reminder of the true meaning of Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus: the event which Christians believe changed the world for ever."