Back to school: 3 beautiful prayers to share with your kids at the start of the school year


Starting back at school can be the most exciting time of the year for some and the most unsettling for others.  We don't always appreciate the extent of the benefits that school brings to our academic and social lives at the time, especially if we're not morning people, nowhere near the top of our class, have fallen out with friends or have missed out on positions that we desired in sports or arts clubs and committees.  However, there are so many positive things that can come out of our time in the classroom.

As a student, parent, teacher or caregiver, school takes up such a significant part of our lives so it's understandable that it's something we'll have plenty to say about when we talk to God. Whether you or your kids can't wait for the school gates to open or are dreading the first day back and every school day after that, the following prayers can all help motivate you both to tell God how you feel, ask Him for what you need to get you through and find reasons to thank Him for the wonderful gift of education.

A prayer to begin the school year with: 

A prayer to prepare you before the school term starts and to say as it progresses:

A prayer for when you need to ask God to keep you on track: