Author Publishes Book to Improve Teen Culture

|PIC1|In response to problems of violence, depression, sexual promiscuity and drug taking in the youth culture, Nick Pollard, a specialist in teenage spiritual and moral education, has written the book Teenagers: Why Do They Do That?.

With many parents and youth workers left bewildered with the behaviour of their teens, Pollard seeks to help them understand the culture in which young people are growing up, and gives advice on how to improve communication and understanding.

Pollard writes in the book: “For many of us, teenagers can be a real mystery. It’s as if they’ve come from another planet. Parents in particular, can find it very hard to understand them, let alone be responsible for their actions.

"This book is written for all those parents who feel like this.

I hope that, after reading it, you will find those feelings of guilt and failure will lift from your shoulders.”

|TOP|The book aims to help parents understand the culture which is shaping the lives of their teenagers, the first six chapters look closely at different aspects of this culture. The pressures of drugs, image and sex are all discussed with real-life examples illustrating the points made by Pollard.

The final chapter gives readers some important advice to put the ideas of the book into practice. While acknowledging that every parent’s situation is different, Pollard offers guiding principles which may be of assistance. He advises parents on being positively critical, dealing with issues such as boredom and pain, and how we tackle society’s underlying rejection of God.

Nick Pollard is the co-founder of the Damaris Trust and has authored a number of books and articles. He tackles the key issues in today’s world in a clear, culturally relevant style.