Any Sudoku addicts out there?

If you pick up the newspaper and flip straight past the news to the Sudoku section you might be excited to know that there is a new Bible version for you.

Unlike the number-based form of Sudoku, the new Bible Word Sudoku works with letters.

Each puzzle begins with a question to find a nine-letter biblical word, which then becomes the letters for use in the Sudoku puzzle.

The book by Andrew Briggs is out later this month from the Bible Reading Fellowship.

It contains 80 Bible-based Sudoku puzzles, an introduction to Sudoku and the puzzle solutions.

Andrew Briggs is a Norfolk-based maths teacher and looking for patterns to solve puzzles is part of his job. He has always enjoyed doing puzzles, crosswords, logic problems and more and has been interested in Sudoku almost since it came to Britain.

Bible Word Sudoku is out on 21 September 2012, priced £6.99