Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow: T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus and Telus Samsung Galaxy S6 receive update
T-Mobile has started its Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow rollout to the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, not long after it released the 6.0 build of the mobile OS to the Samsung Galaxy Note 5.
The update for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus weighs 1.34GB, which is a little bit lighter than the update for the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, which came in at 1.42GB.
The software update introduces all the new features from Android Marshmallow with the April security patch also tucked in it.
With the Marshmallow software, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus users from T-Mobile can now experience the new battery-saving mode Doze, which puts the device in deep sleep and closes apps in the background to save battery life.
The update also brings Google Now on Tap to T-Mobile's Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus as well as other battery-saving features such as the Do Not Disturb mode and Attentive Display. There's also a new app permission system included.
As the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update rolls out on the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, another Samsung device, this time the Samsung Galaxy S6 from Canada-based carrier Telus, is also getting some Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow goodness.
Telus customers rocking Samsung's 2015 flagship can enjoy all the above-mentioned Marshmallow features as well as the April security update.
The Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update from Telus is way behind schedule. The carrier originally planned to launch the software on the Samsung Galaxy S6 last March 9. The update also arrives a week late from its April 19 release.
Although the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow rollout is ongoing, the update may not reach all users in one fell swoop. Those who are still waiting to for a notification can manually check the availability of the software by going to Settings then About device, then Software update.