5 things you can do to be a storm-proof Christian


No one likes the idea of storms. When a hurricane warning comes, people don't throw parties and celebrate. They brace and prepare for it—sometimes in fear or in anger. But no matter what attitude we may have towards a looming storm, one thing is for sure: It will come.

I live in a tropical country hit by storms almost on a monthly basis (and sometimes even more) for half a year. When weather news reporters announce a coming storm, I don't get surprised anymore.

Peter talks about this in a broader sense in 1 Peter 4:12 where he refers to the storms we face in life: "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you."

Storms will come in our lives as well, whether they're financial, relational, spiritual or vocational storms. But before they come, we can prepare ourselves to be storm-proof. Here are five things you can do towards that end.

1. Anticipate trials

The first step to becoming immune to any trial is to anticipate it. When we get ourselves vaccinated to prevent contracting certain diseases, we do so because we anticipate the possibility that we might get those diseases.

It's no different with storms. That's what Peter says in 1 Peter 4:12—that we are not to be surprised by incoming trials but expect them instead. In fact, they shouldn't surprise us at all. God allows these storms to come because it is only through tests that we get stronger.

2. Get ready to fail

Not only are we to expect trials and tests to come, but we are also to anticipate that we won't pass every single one of them. "You can't win them all," as the old saying goes. Nothing could be more true.

But even in our weakness and failures, God can show himself to be faithful.

3. Make a resolution to keep trying

James 1:12 tells us, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."

The truth of the matter is that only people who persevere get the prize. The only ones who never win in life are those who quit.

4. Stop making it about you

While our perseverance is crucial, it's never truly about our strength or faithfulness. We will face storms that are greater than our capability. Weathering those storms can only be possible through God's faithfulness.

5. Make Jesus your foundation

A house stands the test of time when it is built on the right kind of foundation. When our foundation is rock solid, we can be sure that the storms of life will never beat us down. Sure it will be hard, but we can persevere if the right foundation is in place. 1 Corinthians 3:11 shares to us who that foundation is: "For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."