5 lies about pastors debunked


What do people really know of their pastors? Dr. Thom Rainer, president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, hopes to enlighten people about what pastors really do so that they would stop believing in "lies" that some people have spun around them.

"They are false statements that seem to have some traction. They are diminishing the respect of pastors. And, for the most part, they are undeserved," Rainer writes on his blog. "Sure, I know there are some bad apples in the bunch. Those bad examples make the news, the gossip groups, the blogs, and social media. But those bad examples are the exception. They are not the norm."

Rainer points out that it is ridiculous to assume that an entire family is bad just because of the black sheep.

With this in mind, he debunks five lies that some people have woven around their pastors.

The first lie is that pastors enter the church simply for money. "Are you kidding? Have you truly seen the financial struggles of most pastors? Have you ever seen a pastor purchase a car, only to be castigated by a church member who decides the pastor is making too much? Most pastors could make a lot more money in another profession with a lot less stress," he says.

Another lie being peddled is that pastors only work a few hours a week. Rainer challenges those who say this to truly look at the lives of their pastors. Pastors often give up their leisure time to comfort a family whose child figured in a road accident, or attend a funeral. Pastors also spend a lot of time just to prepare a good sermon.

The third lie is that megachurch pastors don't care about their members. "Pastors of large churches and megachurches (over 2,000 in average worship attendance) are getting the brunt of these criticisms," says Rainer. "The assumption is that large is bad and unloving."

But even though a megachurch pastor cannot give personal attention to each and every member, Rainer has no doubt that such pastors love each and every one of their flock.

The next lie is that pastors have adopted the CEO mentality. "I'm not sure most of the critics even know what they mean by this barb," he says. "Don't assume they are dictators just because they demonstrate a modicum of leadership."

Lastly, some people think pastors only care about "nickels and noses." Rainer says most pastors love God, their families, and church members more than they even think about the church attendance of the week.

"No pastor is perfect. And there are a few pastors who do indeed bring shame to the calling. Almost everyone knows such an example. But the great majority of pastors are dedicated, hard working, and servant-minded," he says. "It's time to stop the lies."